The new issue of International Journal of Affective Engineering is now available.

July 31, 2019 [New issue]
The new issue of International Journal of Affective Engineering is now available.

Vo. 18 No. 3

Special Issue on ISASE 2018

Original Articles

1. Interactive Evolutionary Computation System with User Gaze Information
Hiroshi TAKENOUCHI and Masataka TOKUMARU
pp. 109-116

2. EMRVisualization for Patient Progress Tracking: Interface Design and System Implementation
Chau VO, Tru CAO, Nam DOAN, Son TU, Anh NGUYEN, Binh NGUYEN and Bao HO
pp. 117-128

3. Pattern Classification of Value Creative Consensus Building Process in Case of Multiple-choice
Yuri HAMADA, Tatsuya MARUYAMA and Hiroko SHOJI
pp. 129-136

4. Affective Color Theme Generation System for Visual-textual Design: A Case Study of Banner Design
Qianru QIU, Xuan LUO, Shu WATANABE and Kengo OMURA
pp. 137-144

5. Quantitative Evaluation of Potential Tendency Differences between English and Japanese in Detecting Appropriate
Respondents at Q&A Sites
Yuya YOKOYAMA, Teruhisa HOCHIN and Hiroki NOMIYA
pp. 145-154

6. Can “Semi-relevant Images” Vitalize Brainstorming?
Hidetsugu SUTO
pp. 155-160

7. Education Program for Students in Multiple Health-care Fields to Support Communication with Patients with
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
– Can a Pre-/Post-test Evaluate Knowledge Gained through Education Sessions?-
Yugo NARITA, Michiko NAKAI, Tamotsu IMURA, Yuji TANAKA, Takemasa ISHIKAWA and Keiko FUKUROKU
pp. 161-170

| 2019/07/31